Gratuities Not Included

Camila, a wannabe actor desperate to pursue a career on the stage, indentures herself to a theatre company which entertains tourists in low earth orbit. She plays a modern version of the famous 18th-century pirate Anne Bonny and what passes for their act is mostly an excuse to squeeze their captive audiences for tips. But during a performance for a wealthy eight-year-old she begins to realize they may not be acting, and as with the pirates of old, behind their backs one of her crewmates is willing to sell them down the river for a larger percentage of the take.

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Written by Alan V Hare.

Read by  Mitchell Tew.

Opening and Closing composed and created by David Hume

Makeshift Stories is released under a creative commons non-commercial attribution no derivative license. Which means that you are free to share our stories just remember to credit

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