Original Series
A.I. Dreams
AI Dreams is the third installment in a series of bedtime classics adapted to the Makeshift Stories universe. In this episode, loosely based on the popular folktale of the Ginger […]
The Four Keys Pt.3
After his odd encounter with Annie, William starts pressing Tim for the information that she gave him, but Tim is left wondering who to trust. Then unexpected events – which […]
The Other Story – Space Ju…
14. The Other Story – Space Junk An accident sets the small group off in a new direction. http://makeshiftstories.com/archives/207
The Four Keys Pt.2
After Adrian is shot by an arrow Tim uses his new found power to save him. As Adrian revives William insists that they all come with him to his ship […]
After many nights exchanging stories Sareen tries to explain to Effie why the Sodality ended up exiled on Ceres. The answer is not something that Effie easily accepts and it […]